What happens when two guys in their 20's get bored? Most would play video games....not my husband and neighbor. Nope....what did they do? They traveled out to podunk Florida in search of TRACTOR TIRES!!! I tagged along, because come on...when do you get the chance to go on a tractor tire hunt? We brought little Jonathan along too! He was excited to hang out with the big kids!
So we began our adventure in Milton, Fl but came to find out we had to travel to Jay to find what we needed. So we started the trek and before we knew it we were passing farm after farm with so many tires laying in the fields! But we were all slightly nervous to go knock on some random person's door and ask them if we could have their tires....soooo the journey continued.
After a few more stops (including a falling down barn & an abandoned building), we finally found this place....JACKPOT!!!!!
The guys went and asked and they were more than happy to hand over some tires....they definitely had plenty to choose from!
First, they found the BIG manly one!!
Now the question was...how do they get it on the truck? The big tire weighed in around 400 pounds!
They decided to each take a side.... (that's Mick in the back...he was the one who helped us out! In honor of his help, Dave and Jesse are going to create a Workout of the Day and name it after him!
They got it in the truck....
And finally got it balanced on the edges.
Now time for the Khara sized tire! Success! This one was much easier to get on the truck. Thanks Mick!
They were so proud of their find!
Now the challenge was getting it off the truck....WATCH OUT!
Yay! Now we have some tires to help diversify our workouts! The dogs even love it!

What a fun adventure! Now it's time to start doing some tire flips!
Was this today? So funny!