Saturday, September 3, 2011


Well....after squeezing in a 4 mile run in between rain storms....I made an attempt at being crafty and was pretty happy with the outcome! Today's project was a sign for the bachelorette party...and thanks to my AMAZING friend Margaret and her AWESOME was a success! 

I started out by using my handy paper cutter and cut all of the pieces into the correct size of squares and rectangles.

Then I used the Cricut to cut out the letters and corsets (again...thanks to the absolutely wonderful Margaret!)

I did a little gluing...

And Tada!!!  The finished product!

Here's a closeup!  (The computer wouldn't rotate it and I gave up fighting with it!)

I'm excited to take on another project tomorrow.....hopefully the tropical storm will let up a little so that I can get in my long run outside before the crafting commences! 

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